Title - Artist - Album - Label/Link 1) Da Fields O’ Foula / My Love Is a Fair Lad - Tarras - Rising -Rounder 2) Let Your Banjo Ring - Steve Tilston & Maggie Boyle - All Under the Sun -Flying Fish 3) Popay Runner - Robert Mirabal - Taos Tales -Silver Wave 4) Saint Mark - Beth Amsel - V/A: Oasis Acoustic, Vol. 21 -Oasis 5) Piece of Paradise - John Dillon w/ Lacy J. Dalton - V/A: Oasis Acoustic, Vol. 21 -Oasis 6) Archaeology - Blueground Undergrass - V/A: Oasis Acoustic, Vol. 21 -Oasis 7) Jack’s Belted Galloways - Diane Zeigler - V/A: American Impressionist Songwriters -Waterbug 8) Bethel - Paul Cardall - The Looking Glass -Narada 9) Logie O’ Buchan - Battlefield Band - Leaving Friday Harbor -Temple 10) The Year of Living Lonely - Terry Kitchen - Blues for Cain & Abel -Urban Campfire 11) I’ll Take Care of You Tonight - Linda Waterfall - A Little Bit at a Time -Flying Fish 12) So It Goes - Kim Richey - Glimmer -Mercury 13) The Tree to Leaf and Fire - Druha Trava & Peter Rowan - New Freedom Bell -Compass 14) Arisha - Kips Bay - The Light -Green Linnet 15) Helpless Again - Amy Fradon - Passion Angels -Leo Rising 16) All in All - Buskin & Batteau - Two on One - Single Wing 17) I Will Put My Ship in Order - June Tabor - A Quiet Eye -Green Linnet 18) I’ll Be There - Mary McLaughlin - Daughter of Lir -Rowan 19) Dance Again - Terri Allard - Rough Lines -Reckless Abandon 20) Noncontention - Tranquility - Tai Chi Way Regimen Music - Wind 21) The Loving Time - Mary Black - The Holy Ground -Gifthorse 22) Lydia - Slaid Cleaves - Broke Down -Philo 23) Battle of Waterloo - Old Blind Dogs - The World’s Room -Green Linnet 24) Slave Dreamer - Jane Byaela - Burning Silver -Prime CD